• Will Amdro® Ant Block® Home Perimeter Ant Bait kill fire ants?
    Yes, Amdro® Ant Block® Home Perimeter Ant Bait is effective in the control of fire ants (both imported and native).
  • What species of ants are controlled with Amdro® Ant Block® Home Perimeter Ant Bait?
    Amdro® Ant Block® Home Perimeter Ant Bait is effective in the control of 25 species of ants including: acrobat ants, Allegheny mound ants, Argentine ants, bigheaded ants, black turf ants, carpenter ants, citronella ants, cornfield ants, crazy ants, field ants, fire ants (imported and native), ghost ants, harvester ants, honey ants, lawn ants, little black ants, nuisance ants, odorous house ants, pavement ants, Pharaoh ants, pyramid ants, Southern ants, thief ants, white-footed ants and the Texas leafcutting ant.
  • I have guests coming for the weekend. How can I get rid of fire ants fast?
    We offer many products that can be used in the treatment of fire ants but if you want fast results, we recommend using Amdro Quick Kill® Outdoor Insect Killer Ready-to-Spray or Liquid Concentrate. The unique formula kills insects by contact, provide same day control and keeps working for 3 months.
  • How can I prevent infestation inside my home?
    To prevent ant infestations inside the home, we recommend treating the problem from the outside. Amdro® Ant Block® Home Perimeter Ant Bait kills ants at their source. For maximum ant control, use Amdro® Kills Ants™ Ant Killing Bait Stations or Stakes inside and around your home for additional protection against ants.
  • Are the ant killer granules safe to use in a vegetable garden?
    No, Amdro® Ant Block® Home Perimeter Ant Bait, Amdro® Fire Ant Bait & Amdro® Fire Ant Yard Treatment, are not permitted for use in vegetable gardens.
  • Will Amdro® Ant Block® Home Perimeter Ant Bait harm honey bees?
    Amdro® Ant Block® Home Perimeter Ant Bait is a granular bait; Not a contact spray. Product should be applied when ants are foraging, early morning or late evening and not when bees are actively pollinating to prevent incidental contact. Bees are also liquid feeders; They do not consume granular baits.
  • Is it safe for my kids to play in the grass after I apply Amdro® Ant Block® Home Perimeter Ant Bait?
    Do not apply this product in a way that will contact any person or pet, either directly or through drift. Keep people and pets out of area during application. Children and pets can only return to the treated area after the dusts have settled when applying the granular product.
  • Will Amdro® Ant Block® Home Perimeter Ant Bait work after it gets wet from the rain?
    Amdro® Ant Block® works best when dry. Ants don’t find the bait as appealing when it is wet, therefore you would want to keep the bait dry. Amdro® Ant Block® Home Perimeter Ant Bait should not be applied to wet grounds or grass, if rain is expected within 24 hours, or when temperatures are below 50°F. Reapplication of product is recommended if it rains or if irrigation occurs after bait is applied
  • Do I need to do anything to activate amdro ant killing bait stations or bait stakes?
    No additional action is needed to activate the product. AMDRO Bait Stations and Stakes are ready to use right out of the box. The ant bait, which is a thick gel substance, is accessible to ants through the pre-cut hole without any consumer manipulation.


  • Is Amdro Quick Kill® Outdoor Insect Killer Rts & Concentrate dangerous to pets especially if they eat the grass after the liquid has dried?
    Amdro Quick Kill® Outdoor Insect Killer RTS & Concentrate contains Zeta-Cypermethrin which has a low-toxicity content to mammals or your furry pets at home. But for best practice, always keep children and animals out of the treated area until the spray has dried. Follow label directions for use.
  • Will Amdro Quick Kill® Outdoor Insect Killer harm any flowers, plants or trees?
    No, Amdro Quick Kill® Outdoor Insect Killer RTS or Concentrate can be used on lawns, listed fruits and vegetables, trees and shrubs, roses and flowers, and outside surfaces of buildings when used in accordance to the label.
  • How long do I have to wait until I can let my dog out in the yard after spraying Amdro Quick Kill® Outdoor Insect Killer?
    We recommend keeping people and pets outside the treated area until the treated area product has dried.
  • How many insects does Amdro Quick Kill® Outdoor Insect Killer Ready to Spray & Concentrate kill?
    This product kills over 500 insects! For a full list of the type of pests controlled by this product, refer to the product label or go here for more information.
  • How long do I have to wait to let my pet enter the treated area after broadcasting the Amdro Quick Kill® Lawn Insect Killer Granules?
    You will need to water the granules in after you apply Amdro Quick Kill® Lawn Insect Killer. Once the treated area has dried, pets can enter.
  • How do I use Amdro Quick Kill® Lawn Insect Killer Granules?
    The 10 lb. bag treats 10,000 square feet, and the 20 lb. bag treats up to 20,000 square feet. Use a push or handheld spreader to apply these granules evenly at a rate of 1.2 pounds per 500 square feet. Lightly water the treated area immediately after application to aid in control. Consult the label for spreader direction and recommend the spreader should always be calibrated according to manufacturing guidelines.


  • What is the best way to control wood damaging insects in my home?
    We recommend using Amdro’s 2-step method for protecting your home from wood-destroying insects. To kill and prevent surface infestations, use Amdro Quick Kill Carpenter Bee, Ant & Termite Killer Ready-to-Use Spray or Concentrate. To kill and treat localized infestations in holes or crevices where these insects live, use Amdro Quick Kill Carpenter Bee, Ant & Termite Killer Foam. The foam expands to fill up the hole and stops insects in their tracks as soon as it comes into contact with it.
  • What does carpenter bee damage look like?
    Carpenter bees target unpainted, weathered wood. Wood shingles, shakes, siding, decks, eaves and shutters are all objects of attack, especially when bare or weathered. Garden pergolas, benches and even wooden Adirondack lawn chairs are at risk. Carpenter bees’ entry holes are about the size of a fingertip and almost perfectly round. The bees excavate about 1 inch deep, and then branch off to create lateral pathways where they lay eggs. Find more information about carpenter bee damage here.
  • What does termite damage look like?
    Subterranean termites nest where wood and moisture are abundant. Look for sand-like, tubular passageways along walls or pipes, connecting soil and wood. When tapped, infested areas sound hollow and empty. When probed with a screwdriver, their exteriors fail and reveal termite galleries inside. Find more information about termite damage here.
  • What does carpenter ant damage look like?
    Indoors and out, carpenter ants seek moist, decaying wood for nesting spots. Wooden floors and joists under leaky pipes or water-damaged bathroom walls are common targets. Carpenter ants excavate tunnels, known as galleries, where their colonies live and reproduce. The long, parallel channels have very smooth sides, free from sawdust and debris. Piles of wood particles and sand-like sawdust appear nearby as byproducts of their excavations. Learn more about carpenter ant damage here.
  • Will Amdro Quick Kill Carpenter Bee, Ant & Termite Killer products stain wood?
    No, these products will not stain when applied according to package directions. Amdro Quick Kill Carpenter Bee, Ant & Termite Killer products are listed to be used on non-painted or varnished surfaces such as decks, wood piles, wood patios, and woodsheds.
  • How long do Amdro Carpenter Bee, Ant & Termite Killer products last?
    Amdro Carpenter Bee, Ant & Termite Killer products work fast and prevent new infestations for up to 3 months.


Mole, Gopher, Vole
  • How can I tell if I have gophers, moles, or voles in my yard?
    Gophers – These rodents burrow well beneath the surface, so you may only notice mounds with a distinctive crescent shape and hidden entry sites. Moles – You will see raised mounds at the entrance to their holes as well as a zig-zag pattern of raised tunnels across your lawn. Voles – You will not see any mounds. Instead, voles build trench-like runways between their holes and conceal them with grass or snow. Learn more about identifying gophers, moles, and voles here.
  • How do I get rid of gophers, moles, and/or voles?
    Effective animal-pest controls include fumigants, traps, bait and baskets. Choose the solution that fits your specific pests and preferences. Learn more about each solution here.
  • When can my dogs go into the yard after I use Amdro® Gopher Gasser?
    The Amdro Gopher Gasser is a cartridge that is lit with a fire source and placed underground in the gopher, mole or vole hole. It releases toxic gas which suffocates the animal-pest. We recommend waiting at least 4 hours to allow animals to re-enter the treated area.
  • How long does an Amdro Gopher Gasser cartridge burn for and what is the fuse time?
    The gasser should finish burning approximately 7 to 8 minutes after being lit. The fuse time is 5 seconds.
  • Can Amdro Gopher Gasser be used around chicken coops?
    No, Amdro Gopher Gasser should not be used in or around chicken coops, homes, or pet areas.
  • Can I use Amdro Gopher Gasser in vegetable gardens?
    No, Amdro Gopher Gassers are not approved for use around fruits and vegetables. If you believe you have tunnels going through your garden, then you should look for traps that do not contain chemicals, such as the Amdro Gopher Trap, Amdro Mole & Gopher Tunnel Trap, or Amdro Mole, Vole & Gopher Blockers.
  • Where do I set the Amdro Gopher Trap?
    We recommend that the trap be inserted into the gopher tunnel. Hold the trap by the spring and insert it prongs first into the tunnel.
  • What is the difference between the wire Amdro Gopher Trap and Amdro Mole & Gopher Tunnel Trap?
    The wire Amdro Gopher Trap is meant to catch smaller animal pests such as pocket gophers compared to the Amdro Mole & Gopher Tunnel Trap.
  • Is the Amdro Mole & Gopher Tunnel Trap reusable?
    Yes, the Amdro Mole & Gopher Tunnel Trap is reusable.
  • Can Amdro Mole & Gopher Bait be used around cats and dogs?
    Amdro Mole & Gopher Bait is toxic to cats and dogs. The bait should not be applied above ground where pets and wildlife could come into contact with it. The bait must only be placed in an active tunnel and the hole covered directly after placement.
  • Can I use Amdro Mole & Gopher Bait in gardens with food crops and fruit trees?
    No, Amdro Mole & Gopher Bait cannot be applied in a garden with edible crops
  • Which size of the Amdro Mole, Vole & Gopher Blockers should I get?
    The 1-gallon blocker is smaller and is the perfect size for vegetables, herbs and perennials. The 5-gallon blocker is larger and is a better choice for shrubs and small trees.
  • Will the Amdro Mole, Vole & Gopher Blockers hinder plant growth?
    No, the Amdro Mole, Vole & Gopher Blockers will expand as your plant's roots grow.


  • Are there temperature constraints for using Amdro Rat or Mouse Traps
    We don't recommend using Amdro Rat or Mouse Traps in freezing temperatures, as it may reduce effectiveness.
  • What type of bait should I use with Amdro Rat or Mouse Traps?
    We recommend using peanut butter, cheese spreads or cubes, or hazelnut spread as a bait for Amdro Rat or Mouse Traps. Learn more about how to catch mice and rats here.
  • Where should I place Amdro Rat or Mouse Traps?
    Corners and mid-wall runways are ideal spots. When setting multiple traps, space mice traps 10 feet apart or less. Place rat traps at intervals of 15 to 20 feet. Be sure to always place traps out of reach of pets and children. Learn more about where to place your Amdro Rat or Mouse Traps here.
  • How do I dispose of a dead rat or mouse caught by Amdro Rat or Mouse Traps?
    With Amdro mouse and rat traps, rodents die outside the trap. Wear gloves and place the dead rodent in a sealable plastic bag. Once sealed, dispose of it in the garbage. Learn more tips about disposing of dead rodents here.
  • Can I get refill rings for Amdro Mouse or Rat Traps?
    We do not sell ring refills.


  • How long does the Amdro Quick Kill® Mosquito Yard Spray last before you have to reapply? Also, is it safer for pets and children after it's dry?
    Amdro Quick Kill® Mosquito Yard Spray will kill adult mosquitoes that come into contact with the spray. If you see renewed insect activity you can reapply, but no more often than once every 7 days. As long as the directions on the bottle are followed correctly, we do not expect any harm to people or pets.
  • Does the Amdro Quick Kill® Mosquito Yard Spray kill mosquito eggs/larvae?
    No, this product is not intended to be used in water sites where mosquitoes breed, therefore it would not kill mosquito larvae. If you want a product that kills mosquito larvicides, you can use the Amdro Quick Kill® Mosquito Bombs or the Amdro Quick Kill® Mosquito Pellets.
  • Will the Amdro Quick Kill® Mosquito Yard Spray ruin my nice thick grass?
    No, this product will not harm turf grasses when it is applied correctly according to the directions on the bottle.
  • Can the Amdro Quick Kill® Mosquito Fogger be used indoors to control mosquitoes and other flying insects?
    No, this product is only intended for outdoor use.
  • Can I use the Amdro Quick Kill® Mosquito Bombs or pellets in my pool when it is not in use?
    If you are not currently using the swimming pool, we suggest using the Quick Kill Mosquito Bombs to treat larvae. Otherwise, we recommend resuming your regular seasonal pool maintenance, as water movement and chlorine will discourage mosquito development. If you are seeing flying mosquitoes, we recommend using one of our adulticide products – Amdro Quick Kill Mosquito Yard Spray or Mosquito Fogger.
  • Can the Amdro Quick Kill® Mosquito Bombs or pellets be used in a fish pond?
    Yes, the Amdro Quick Kill Mosquito Bombs can be used in ponds with plants and aquatic life as well as in animal watering troughs. For more sites, please visit our product detail page for the Bombs here and the Pellets here.
  • What is the 2-step Integrated Mosquito Management (IMM) process?

    The CDC recommends Integrated Mosquito Management to control mosquitoes.

    1. Find and monitor places where adult mosquitoes lay eggs
    2. Remove places where mosquitoes lay eggs near water
    3. Control mosquito larvae and pupae in standing water by using larvicides
    4. Control adult mosquitoes by using adulticides to kill biting adults

    IMM uses methods that, when followed correctly, are safe and have been scientifically proven to reduce mosquito populations.


    Step 1: Kill mosquito larvae using larvicides

    Step 2: Kill adult mosquitoes that transmit diseases with adulticides

    For more information, go to
