Asian Giant Hornet
Also known by the nickname "murder hornets," Asian giant hornets are the largest species of true hornets in the world. Native to East Asia, these forbidding insects were recently discovered in North America in late 2019. Their main identifier is size: Adults average 1.5 to 2 inches long with wingspans 3 inches wide. Some queens grow even larger.
Asian giant hornets have pinched, wasp-like waists that separate a black thorax from an abdomen striped with orange-yellow and black. Their wide, orange-yellow heads have large dark eyes and large mandibles. The broad face plate above the mandibles, which is known as a clypeus, has a scalloped lower edge.
Asian giant hornets are primarily ground-nesting insects that prefer abandoned rodent burrows and similarly well-hidden nest sites near old tree roots. A pile of excavated soil outside a suspected nesting site may signal a thriving hornet hive inside. The paper-like combs may fill voids 2 feet wide.
Asian giant hornets rarely frequent flowers, but you may see them feed on fruit and tree sap, or visit hummingbird feeders. In some cases, the first sign of an Asian giant hornet colony is a pile of decapitated honeybees outside a mangled honeybee hive. In late summer, these "murder hornets" destroy beehives by beheading adult bees and taking honeybee young to feed their own.
Asian giant hornets must be addressed with great care. Like yellow jackets and other wasps, Asian giant hornets can sting repeatedly. As their size suggests, they can inject large amounts of potentially life-threatening venom with multiple stings. Though typically unaggressive, Asian giant hornets will defend their hive when threatened or disturbed.
Effective home control of Asian giant hornets involves keeping outdoor gathering areas protected against hornets that venture close. Amdro Quick Kill®+ Mosquito Fogger kills flying insects such as hornets, wasps, mosquitoes and gnats by contact. Sprayed from up to 15 feet away, the product disperses into the air, creating a zone of protection in its wake. It's ideal for treating patios, decks and other outdoor areas before you entertain.
If you see live Asian giant hornets or suspect a nest, notify your state department of agriculture or state apiarist immediately. Don't attempt to treat an Asian giant hornet nest on your own. If you find a dead Asian giant hornet, carefully collect the insect for the authorities. Your specimen can provide valuable information to help control this dangerous pest.
+ Brand name does not refer to product efficacy.
Always read product labels and follow the instructions carefully.
Amdro Quick Kill is a registered trademark of Central Garden & Pet Company.
Pest Gallery

Photo credit: Yasunori Koide, CC BY 4.0

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