No matter where you live in the United States, you've probably encountered a grasshopper. But if you're like many people, you may have called it a cricket [Link to new Crickets pest page] instead. Like crickets, grasshoppers have very large hind legs. But they have short, club-like antennae instead of long, slender antennae like crickets have.
Many common grasshoppers blend in with the grasses and plants they feed on. They come in shades of gold, brown and grassy greens, but other types range from brilliant colors to black and white. Common grasshoppers grow between 3/4 and 2 inches long — larger than common crickets — but many species are much smaller or larger. The type you'll find in your landscape varies depending on where you live.
Most grasshopper damage goes unnoticed until weather conditions and food supplies put grasshoppers on the move. Their populations seem to grow in cycles. When this happens, these pests leave trails of destruction as they migrate to find food.
Rather than chewing small holes, these pests use their large mouthparts to systematically devour large portions of leaves. Though they target young, tender plants first, all types of grasses and plants are at risk.
Grasshoppers are strong fliers and jumpers that can cover long distances with ease. Effective grasshopper control targets these pests in lawn areas and on the plants where they'll migrate to feed. Amdro brand has you covered in both areas with products that kill grasshoppers and keep protecting your landscape from new waves:
- Amdro Quick Kill Lawn Insect Killer Granules II, designed for use with a standard lawn spreader, kills grasshoppers by contact within 24 hours. Then it keeps killing new invasions for up to three months. Lightly water the treated area after application for maximum grasshopper-fighting results.
- Amdro Quick Kill Outdoor Insect Killer Concentrate, designed for use with a regular lawn sprayer, protects your lawn grasses and landscape plants. Dilute the product with water, then spray lawn and plant surfaces thoroughly. It kills grasshoppers by contact and keeps protecting your property for up to three months.
- Amdro Quick Kill Outdoor Insect Killer Ready to Spray works in minutes to kill grasshoppers, then keeps working for up to three months. Attach the container to a regular garden hose and it does the mixing and measuring for you. Just spray your lawn or plant surfaces to the point of runoff.
Grasshopper problems get their start in unmaintained areas with long grasses or weeds. Then the pests migrate to cultivated landscapes nearby to feed. To reduce grasshopper visitors, keep your landscape borders short and weed-free.
Always read product labels and follow the instructions carefully.
Amdro and Amdro Quick Kill are registered trademarks of Central Garden & Pet Company.
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