Amdro Quick Kill® Carpenter Bee, Ant & Termite Killer RTU
Amdro Quick Kill Carpenter Bee, Ant & Termite Killer Ready to Use protects your home, deck and other wood structures from wood-damaging insects. This formula kills by contact and keeps killing up to 3 months. Kills wood-destroying insects outside, so they can't come inside and protects your home from listed wood-destroying insects. Since 1980, Amdro has been providing pest control products for ants, spiders, cockroaches, grubs, mosquitoes, carpenter bees and many more. With our tested formulas, you can feel confident your pest problem is handled and get back to your life.
- Kills fast and lasts up to 3 months
- Up to 12 months control indoors
- Kills damaging listed insects & prevents new infestations
- Protects your home, deck & other wood structures from listed wood-destroying insects
- No odor, non-staining formula
Carpenter bees, carpenter ants, termites, and other listed wood-destroying insects
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Do carpenter bees take the active ingredient back to the hive to kill the queen & the colony?
No, Amdro Quick Kill® Carpenter Bee, Ant & Termite Killer Ready-to-Use is a contact killer and not a bait treatment. Please use as a spot or crack and crevice treatment to localized areas where pests are seen or suspected only. Spot treat surfaces until visibly wet. Apply to listed pests directly, whenever possible.
Can this product be used around pets and children?
No, children and pets can re-enter the treated area after the product has dried.
Should I directly spray the carpenter bees?
Yes, this product works on direct contact with carpenter bees. Always follow directions on the product label.