Amdro Quick Kill® Carpenter Bee, Ant & Termite Killer Foam

Amdro Quick Kill Carpenter Bee, Ant & Termite Killer Foam kills a wide range of listed wood-infesting pests including carpenter bees, carpenter ants and termites. The easy to use foam expands and eventually dissipates to kill listed insects where they live. This product includes a straw for targeted application, which makes it easy to apply in cracks and crevices and great for hard to reach areas.  Since 1980, Amdro has been providing pest control products for ants, spiders, cockroaches, grubs, mosquitoes, carpenter bees and many more. With our tested formulas, you can feel confident your pest problem is handled and get back to your life. 

  • Kills the insects you see and the ones you don't
  • Foam expands and eventually dissipates to kill insects where they live
  • Kills a wide range of wood-infesting pests
  • Expands to a 30:1 ratio to cover those tough to reach areas
  • Includes straw for targeted application


Carpenter bees, Carpenter ants, Termites, and other listed wood-damaging insects

View All Targeted Pests
When insects or damage first appear
For use in and around structures and limited outdoor spot treatments
Insert applicator straw into nozzle and spray to apply where insects to be treated are seen or suspected


How do I use this product?
Insert the applicator straw into the nozzle and spray to apply where insects to be treated are seen or suspected.

Where can I use this product?
Use this product in and around structures and limited outdoor spot treatments.

What insects does this product kill and how does it work?
Amdro Quick Kill Carpenter Bee, Ant & Termite Killer Foam kills wood-damaging insects such as Carpenter Bees, Carpenter Ants & Termites. The foam expands to kill insects on contact where they live.

What is the best way to control wood damaging insects in my home?
We recommend using this product to kill and treat localized infestations such as in holes or crevices where these insects live. The foam expands to fill up the hole and stops insects in their tracks as soon as it comes into contact with it. To kill and prevent surface infestations, we recommend using the Amdro Quick Kill Carpenter Bee, Ant & Termite Killer 1 gallon ready to use spray or the 32oz concentrate.


Termites (including subterranean, drywood, dampwood and arboreal), Wood Destroying Insects (Powder Post Beetles, Old House Borer, Wharf Borer), Ants (Including: Argentine, Ghost, White-Footed, foraging Carpenter; Excluding: Fire, Harvester, Leaf cutter and Pharaoh), Asian Lady Beetles, Boxelder Bugs, Cluster Flies, Elm Leaf Beetles, Bean Plataspids (including Kudzu Bug), Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Carpenter Bees